Tuesday, November 23, 2010


...I need you.

I met a girl on the train from Canada. Her name was Corey. She was in town visiting the University of Chicago, where she will soon begin the pursuit of her PhD. She reacted to the book I was reading, Art as History, History as Art by Dipti Desai, et al.

When I made the comment that production is a fundamental human need I instantly, on reflex, qualified that statement by saying that well, maybe not EVERYONE needs it... because I am quite used to the opposition I encounter when I make unqualified statements like that (although I often firmly believe them). Corey looked me right in the eye and said yes, everyone. She was right there with me, on the page that there are fundamental human needs satisfied by the process of making things.

I think it is safe to say that I instantly fell in love with her.

The point is that she has been on my mind for weeks because she reminded me that there are many, many, many people out there who are tapped in to the same hunch as me. The hunch that we need to adopt some practices for modern life that have featured into every epoch but this one. Practices like the production of our tools and belongings, practices like growing the food we eat. Practices like belonging to community and dancing around a fire.

And look, if I am to be true to my beliefs, I need to remember the other people who are on to the same hunch, and forget the system-oriented peers with which I am surrounded. I need to remember that I am not Alone, only alone here.